This is site is called Shepard: Discover the Best Books. I have only just learned of it.
They asked if I would like to share my favorite books, and I jumped at the chance. What a great way to find books written with the ideas you most like to see in what you read!
How does it know what the best books are for topics, such as dragons, family, Christian themes, ect.?
Authors answer the question when they list their favorite books that fit a specific topic. But not just any topic, but one they most enjoy and even prefer to make an important feature of their own books.
The books shown above are my favorite books for when strangers become the best kind of family.
Follow this link to read my reasons for liking these books so much. While you’re there, use the search feature to look for your favorite themes and topics. You might just find some new favorites to add to your own.
Here’s one that I found interesting: The Best Books with Dragon-Human bonds in it.
Search Tip: enter a broad topic, such as dragons or mystery or loss. A list will come up for you to select from.